#17. Knitting Community

0d28f531-43c8-47f7-9bb0-a40496a5d997I feel very fortunate that knitting has led me to a new community of friends.  I am thankful that my local yarn shop has embraced creating a community atmosphere and I’m learning that it is somewhat unique.

My local yarn shop, Silk Road Textiles, offers “open knitting” sessions on Thursday evenings, every other Friday mornings, and once a month on Tuesday evenings.  In addition to knitters I have met through taking classes at Silk Road, I have made some wonderful friends with fellow knitters at the Friday morning and Tuesday evening sessions.  Our Friday morning group has even thrown in extra sessions by also meeting at the nearby coffee shop and taking a “field trip” to find buy “used” knitting books at the library sale.  I suspect, and look forward to, we will do a yarn crawl trip.

I found out such scheduled sessions are not necessarily common to all yarn stores.  Many offer an “open table” where a knitter can sit and knit anytime the store is open.  But I prefer these scheduled sessions as it’s more fun to meet with other knitters to see what they are making, the yarns they use, and future projects they are considering.  Not to mention the help I almost always need on my current project.  As I mentioned in my last post, it was through these sessions I found out what I was doing wrong on my scarf project which I had been very unhappy over.

Knitting has truly become an important activity for me in retirement.  These sessions have joined other activities such as theater ushering that will influence do we decide to continue to live in Cincinnati or move to be closer to our children/future grandchildren.  I am grateful for the knitting community that Silk Roads has helped to foster.

#16. Knitting to Guage

Dipped and Dappled ScarfIMG_20180625_2156417_rewindI am not alone in hating to do gauge knitting.  It is essential in anything that has to fit such as a sweater and to be honest, even socks.  But I have recently learned it can be important in something as simple as a scarf if the yarn you are using is dyed so as to generate a specific pattern.

I recently bought a “dappled and dipped” yarn and that is supposed to knit up into a scarf with diamonds of solid color and speckled “color”.  I was very disappointed in my scarf and plan to rip it out.  😢  Another knitter at the yarn store I frequent, Silk Road Textiles, was knitting the same scarf with the same yarn and hers looks much prettier.  Her stitches are much “denser” than mine.  So I’m going to rip it out and start over, this time paying attention to gauge to see if I don’t get the pattern she got.  If it still doesn’t pattern right, the yarn will become socks!!!  😁

Update:  Smaller needle worked!!  Much happier with scarf.  Knitting continential makes MUCH looser gauge so had to drop two needle sizes.