#31. Clear Project Storage Bags



I love my “cubbies” for storing my yarn stash.  I love seeing all the colors and thinking about the projects I plan to make.  This works great for one skein projects.  But I’m finding that I’m now buying project quantities of yarn for projects I don’t plan to knit for months or even a year from now.  I wanted a way to keep the yarn together until I’m ready to knit the project.

I realized that those zippered bags that sheet sets come in would be perfect!!  Unfortunately I only had one and an appeal to family and friends didn’t result in any more.  Thankfully I found some on Amazon.  The large ones are fine for my 6+ skein sweater projects.  I put a post-it note with the yarn to remind me the planned pattern until I print out the pattern.  The smaller ones are good for my 4 skein summer top.  I even used one for a three skein shawl project although the bag is too big.  I folded the bottom to make it smaller.

As the picture shows, my wall is pretty full of cubbies and plastic project storage bags.  I am running out of space so I better get knitting!!