2022: Wk of May 29 – June 4; Stash Review, Sock and May Goal Status


One of my 2022 goals was to review my stash to see how many projects I already had on hand and to establish a 5+ year plan. Well, I’m happy to say I’ve accomplished my goal. Unfortunately I do indeed have 5-6 years worth of project yarn (assumes 10 small/sock and 4 large/sweater per year) already on hand!!!!! Truthfully it’s slightly worse as it doesn’t count a sweater quantity of minis I already have on hand, baby yarn that was given to me in Florida, nor acrylic yarn I still have. Plus I will be receiving 2 plus sweater quantities of minis in December from the advent calendars I’ve already purchased. It’s a good thing I’ll be out of town for the local fiber festival in September this year. So far I’ve resisted purchasing more yarn and hope to maintain this resistance unless yarn is REALLY on sale (like half off). I have laid out a rough 5 year plan of socks, cowls, shrugs, tees, and sweaters although many projects don’t have a pattern picked yet. I crossed out acrylic yarns that I will probably donate rather than use.



I made progress on my self striping socks this week. Not quite an FO yet but will be finished in the next couple of days. One sock is ready for the cuff. The second sock will be ready for the cuff by the end of today so should be done Monday or Tuesday.


As noted above, I did complete a 2022 goal of reviewing my stash and created a rough multiyear knitting plan. May was a rough month for actual knitting. With the wedding and lawn care my daily stitches did not meet my goal of 1800 stitches per day although I’m still averaging more than 1800 per day for the year to date. I’m looking forward to getting back on track in June. I can’t wait to cast on a colorful shawl for my son’s girlfriend once the Quirky socks are finished. Also, I need to get back to working on my Brioche class.


I’ve got my deck knitting “nook” set up. I’m looking forward to spending some afternoons enjoying the nice weather assuming it finally stops raining!! We had twice the normal rainfall in May but I think we are supposed to get back to “normal” in June. We finally planted flowers and tomatoes this past weekend.

Deck Umbrella with Netting

We have been enjoying dinners on our upper deck. I just love June in Ohio. It’s before the humidity and bugs hit for the summer.

Upper Deck

Hope you have a wonderful week of crafting.

This is a year of projects (YOP) update. YOP is a Ravelry Group – make a plan for the year ahead for all your fiber activities, then update your blog each week. Plans can be calendar year (like mine) or mid-year start (like many). Following the plan is optional and creates some of the fun of posts. YOP is in it’s 11th year. It’s my second in the group.

16 thoughts on “2022: Wk of May 29 – June 4; Stash Review, Sock and May Goal Status

  1. You are so organized! I don’t have that much yarn but I do have a lot of WIP’s! Good for you with your plans. Your socks are precious. Your decks are beautiful….what a lovely place to knit and eat outside. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. HaHa, it falsely makes me feel in control of my yarn/knitting. I do believe it will help me avoid buying yarn I don’t really need. A fair amount of large project yarn is from “gifted” yarn that I got from a former knitter while in Florida this past winter. So not completely “my fault”.


  2. Love the deck set up! It’s great to have an outdoor setup to avoid the bugs. Your quirky socks are great. Great job with the planning! I’ve got about half my stash organized. I’m afraid to do the rest, lol.

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  3. I love your 5-year plan and wholeheartedly endorse it! 😀 I am envious of your rain (although not so much with the bugs, although I suppose you can’t have one without the other) – your decks look like the perfect spots to enjoy some beautiful early summer weather outside.

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  4. Good job on making a 5 year plan. My sock yarn alone will take me that long to use up. I like your outdoor spaces. It is already too hot here to sit outside even in the mornings. Indoor crafting will be happening for the next 5 months.

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  5. You are so brave, I am just on a yarn no-buy year or years until I knit all I have. I know what I have and reported on it, I have yarn assigned to projects, and some not. But I need to have the freedom to reassign my stash to a new project I had not planned. I also allow myself to buy yarn in person to support local producers or stores, or online for two ideas I already had before I decided for this project. I have bought 3 skeins so far for these two projects, so no more online buys. Knitting time !

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love your deck knitting nook. So splendid. I am impressed with your organization – a five year knitting plan???? Amazing – I am just working on the next YOP list and that is tough enough. Having that much stash must be like sorting through a yarn store. How fun!

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    1. I love the way I display it which makes it beautful to look at. But I’m starting to feel guilty about how much I have thus need to focus on working through it. The “5 year plan” is just to remind me how much yarn I already own.


  7. I LOVE your socks! They are just my cup of tea! Your knitting area on the deck is wonderful! I’m an indoor knitter, but maybe I will push myself out to the patio so I can listen to the birds and watch the flowers grow😊
    I sort through my stash every now and then. You have productive goals👏🏻

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  8. When I gave away the yarns I knew I’d never use it did definitely help me feel more positive about my stash because, like you, I have a plan for the rest and then it doesn’t seem excessive. Your set up for summer knitting looks great. I need to get my hammock down from the garage loft, it’s been wet and windy so far here. But hopefully the sun will arrive and I can also get some outside knitting done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wishing you good weather. Sadly we are moving into high heat and humidity here this week so probably won’t be knitting outside. The high humidity gets absorbed by the yarn making it super “sticky”.

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