2023: Wk of 9/17-23; Flax Cast-on, Cowl FO, & Sock Update

I did block my Autumn Promenade and determined I need at least another 3 mini skeins to make it as long as I’d like. It ended up only being on hold for a week as the new set of minis arrived Friday!!

So yesterday I got it back on the needles and I’m happily adding a few more stripes. I’m guessing I’ll be able to finish it this week!! I’m going to do a garter hem and I’m planning to make it a colorful hem by using 5-6 of the minis in 2 row stripes. I’ll probably do the same for the cuffs. I will still have lots of autumn yarns left over so someone will be getting an autumn themed striped sweater someday.

While I was waiting this week, I got to finish my cowl, cast-on a new project, and make a little progress on my Yamadori socks.

I decided to use up some stash yarn to knit a sweater for my little granddaughter for her birthday next month. It turns out I’m using the leftover yarn from when I knit her mom, my stepdaughter, the Stephen West Twisted Cables shawl. I’m striping the fall colors yarn with some white yarn I had. The pattern says it’s 2T -4T which seems like a big range to me. I figure if it’s too big, she can wear it next year. Flax is a really simple raglan pattern so this should be a quick knit. An extra treat is getting to use the new project bag I just bought.

It was nice to have some time to knit this super soft yarn. It was the perfect project for a knit night at a local brewery. I like the cowl and hopefully will get to wear it occassionally if it gets cold in November. I may end up gifting it to my daughter so that it gets worn more frequently.`

As I’ve said before, this pattern requires some thought from me. I’m sure there are those that could memorize the 6 row repeat but not me. So I have a little “cheater card” with the 6 rows written down instead of carrying around the whole pattern. I also find the left leaning cable somewhat hard to knit so it takes concentration. Maybe I’ll master the stitch and the repeat as I continue to knit the socks. It irritates (embarrasses) me that I have finally had to put stitch markers every 3 stitches. It’s a freaking 3 stitch pattern but I kept getting off resulting in a wobbly slip stitch stripe. The socks are for me so I’m not ripping back. I like the pattern but I probably won’t knit it again. I don’t like the pattern enough for the effort I have to put in to knit it. It’s not like I don’t have a long list of sock patterns I’d like to try. At least I am enjoying getting to knit from my new little quilted bag. It’s just sooo cute.

Well that it’s from sunny SW Ohio. I couldn’t ask for better weather. Fingers crossed we get some rain soon. We are going to have to buy more water for our cistern. We have had to buy water three times already this summer which is HIGHLY unusual. I decided it was time to refresh the hanging baskets on my “knitting nook” deck. I hadn’t done a good job of watering the baskets so the flowers died during our lack of rain. I bought some “Halloween” pansies – orange and “black”. The “black” ones are super dark purple. I love autumn in Ohio. The weather should be very nice for the next two months. By the end of November it will start to get cold but I’ll be heading south!!

I hope you had a fun week of crafting and are looking forward to the week ahead. This has been a YOP post for the Ravelry group of bloggers. An encouraging group of crafters that share our crafting plans and post weekly updates on our progress.

28 thoughts on “2023: Wk of 9/17-23; Flax Cast-on, Cowl FO, & Sock Update

  1. Oooh pretty minis you’ve got there. I love the idea of the colourful hem and cuffs. I’ve not made a Flax but been tempted many times, I haven’t seen a striped version before, but love it. The cowl looks very pretty. I did a pattern called Sojourn Mittens once and now realise I don’t know what Sojourn means! I’m off to Google!

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    1. I did find some striped Flax projects – mainly for kids. I’m not necessarily a fan of the garter panel down the sleeves but I’m really liking it on this 2 row striped version, Haha, me too. I don’t know what sojourn is.

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  2. I look forward to your promenade finished object! The flax is so cute with the stripes, you are just carrying the yarns up? The flax is such an easy knit and is my go to for baby sweaters :). Very cute finished cowl. I still use scarfs but I can definitely see the lure to using a cowl :). Those socks would intimidate me only because knitting socks do anyway. There is no shame in needing to put stitch markers to keep you where you need to be, it actually makes it a more relaxing knit because you aren’t worried about messing up the stitch count. I had them all over when I was knitting the shawl I designed and knit for my granddaughter’s wedding, the double yarn overs were so easy to goof up on and be off on my stitch count, no shame here after having to tink back a couple of times, I used them :P.

    Love pansies, they are so pretty.

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  3. What pretty minis! That little sweater is going to be so sweet. Fall is here too and so wonderful. I imagine you will now get to enjoy your sewing nook and your pretty flowers! Happy Fall!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. It is the perfect weather to spend the day in my knitting deck. Unfortunately “Dad care” is taking up a lot of my knitting time but that’s okay. I’m enjoying the brighter colors showing up in my Flax sweater. I’m excited to finish it.


  4. What a fabulous set of skeins. I often find the stitch patterns that should be easy to keep track of are the ones that just don’t seem to work without a lot of concentration, I hope the stitch markers help you to keep track! I need to sort out my winter pansies, if it ever stops raining here.

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  5. Your new minis are so pretty. They will be great on the promenade. What a darling sweater for the grand daughter. I love those socks. The pattern looks like fun but one where concentration is key. We were under 100 degrees for a week and it was heavenly. Unfortunately we are back up there again for the next 4 days. Someday we will have fall.

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