2023: Wk of 10/29-11/4; Another WIP and OMG it’s November!!

Groan! How can it be November already?!

We are apparently cursed when it comes to visiting our granddaughter in Indiana. We were supposed to visit in August but hubby got a bad cold that turned into pneumonia. It knocked him down for 4 weeks!!! Then two days before we were to drive over this weekend, our son-in-law came down with a fever and a cold. The next day it spread to our daughter and granddaughter. Not to be out done, hubby woke me at 4am Friday morning and told me to call 911 as he was experiencing chest pains. So, he’s in the hospital awaiting testing on Monday to see if he has valve blockage. The trip is delayed till next weekend. Fingers crossed we actually make it. Not being able to stand it any longer, I mailed my granddaughter her sweater!! That way if there is an issue with the sleeves, I’ll bring yarn and needles and try to fix it during our visit (hopefully).

I’m happy I changed to the cream colored yarn for the test knit but I will go back and knit the tonal one I initially planned. Even the designer said the tonal would have been okay. Oh well. Now I have a gift for someone. After getting halfway through the pattern I realized I did the psso stitch wrong. It did not look good so I frogged back 20 rows on two mitts!! Still should get them done by the deadline of Thursday.

I for one no longer hate the Christmas decorations going up in stores the day after Halloween. It’s Christmas list exchange time and even Christmas shopping!! We don’t have that many people to shop for anymore but I still find the process stressful. I always have lots of knitting items I’d like so I’m easy to shop for but hubby is another story. Getting ideas out of him is like a root canal!! My stepdaughter shared all she wants is a Christmas stocking like I knit my granddaughter last year. Well, that’s not all she will get but it did mean that I immediately cast-on a stocking. (Turned out to be great hospital knitting.) I think I have enough yarn left over from her daughter’s stocking to knit a second one. So another project not on the “planned” list.

It’s not too bad but it means I have 5 WIPs on needles. That’s starting to get to my uncomfortable max. Fortunately the fingerless mitts and the Christmas stocking are quick knits so within the next few weeks I should be back down to 2-3 projects on needles. I have so many projects that I want to knit that I really need to get the test knit and Christmas stocking off my needles.

If anyone is interested, M1Yarns is doing a KAL this month of either a) a new technique you want to try, like steeking, or b) finish a project that has been in timeout. I thought I was going to pick up my sock project again but the mitts and stocking get first priority. I enjoy her podcasts. They are less than 30 minutes. She is a MidWesterner (Michigan). And many of her projects appeal to me so I’ve gotten several ideas from her.

Well, that has been my eventful week. Not exactly the events I was expecting. I’m thankful that I think hubby is on the path to recovery and will be around a bit longer to drive me crazy. Thankful for my knitting to help me cope during hospital waiting. Thankful for coffee with friends visits planned for the coming weeks.

This has been a YOP update. YOP is a Ravelry group of bloggers where we create an annual crafting plan and then share our progress, or lack thereof, each week.

18 thoughts on “2023: Wk of 10/29-11/4; Another WIP and OMG it’s November!!

  1. Sending prayers up for you and hubby! I hope he passed his tests tomorrow! Sometimes we need a lot of distractions to keep from falling apart! That’s a lot of projects to keep straight!
    Your projects look great, as always! How blessed you are to have people who actually request things be made for them!
    I hope you get to Indiana soon to see that beautiful baby in person!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my! I hope your husband is ok. And I’m so sorry you all keep getting sick! Hopefully you will get to see your grand daughter soon.

    Yeah, the year goes by way to fast anymore. I almost don’t dare to even blink!

    Look forward to seeing those fingerless mitts, I’m a big fan of fingerless mitts. They are fun to knit and so very useful!!

    I don’t do well if I have too many items on why list to finish, makes me anxious. Sometimes that happens but not often, I try really hard to not do that, but we know how the best laid plans of mice and men go :P.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, I have to make notes or it’s what the heck was I doing? I was knitting a Childs sweater and made some changes and put it down for a month and when I picked it back up I could not figure out what I was doing and had to frog it, sigh.


  3. Wow, you have had lots of health issues running in the family. So glad to hear your hubby is ok and will be around for a while yet. Your grand daughter is so cute. The big eyes and chubby cheeks are what get me with children. I used to have several projects on the go but the older I get the less I can tolerate having WIP’s. Not sure why that is. Maybe my OCD is getting the best of me again. I look forward to this coming weeks post. I am sure you will have those mitts done and the stocking darn near finished too.


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