2024:Wk of 6/2-8; Baby FOs and Cast-On

Uh, looks like my kitty has decided my “basket” makes a great cat bed. That was my Plan B. Sorry kitty but I’m going to continue to use up the skein so it’s going to be a basket. I may fold over the sides to make it double thick and thus stiff enough to form sides of the basket. I did buy some different stitch markers that were suggested. They are easier to put on and take off stitches but sadly they fall off pretty easily too. I should finish this today or tomorrow.

I started this hat two weeks ago to give my daughter something to knit on while she was visiting. Finished it yesterday although I’ll give it a hair conditioner soak this afternoon to give it a softer feel.

The baby blanket is indeed finished. It has already been soaked in a little hair conditioner to soften the blanket a bit. I won’t bore you with a picture now but will post one after I double stitch the baby name on it. My daughter did share the baby’s name but it’s a secret so I don’t want to chance my son will see it while I’m working on it. I’ll wait till mid-July to add the baby name so the blanket is ready to gift at my daughter’s baby shower in early August. I have already figured out the letter charts to get the size I want.

Finishing up the baby blanket and the baby hat means I get to cast-on for the baby sweater for my friend’s grandson-to-be! I’m knitting the free pattern Little Amandine in Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino. It’s so soft so it’s a joy to knit. The pattern has a cable along the button band but I will skip the bobbles (or popcorn stitch as called in the pattern

I started the second sock. I like to knit both socks to the heel, then put in both heels, and then finish the legs. I don’t like to complete one sock and then start the second. I like the yarn so I want to get these finished so I can wear them this summer. Plus I really want to knit up a pair of lace socks for a change.

We finally made it to visit my stepdaughter and my granddaughter. Had a wonderful time visiting the Evansville zoo even though it rained a lot while we were there.

Yesterday was hubby’s 77th birthday so we had family over. It was nice to have an excuse to get together with everyone. The weather was perfect for dinner on the deck. (You can’t even see my brother and sister who are hanging out in the back despite being short like me.)

Turns out our cherry trees have severe blossom blight so most of the cherries were covered in fungus by the time they were fully ripe for picking. We were able to harvest enough for maybe one cherry pie. I can’t complain. The trees are 30 years old. They are only supposed to live 15-20 years. Sadly blossom blight apparently is pretty hard to treat as the fungus is in the ground and bark as well. We may plant new trees in a different location but by the time they produce cherries we will be too old to pick them. We are getting a bumper crop of black raspberries. Hubby makes homemade Chambord.

I am looking forward to a calmer June and July. Hope to get a lot of knitting done and get back to taking pilates classes and morning walks again. I hope you had a good week and are looking forward to the week ahead.

This is a post for the weekly blogging Ravelry group – Year Of Projects.

23 thoughts on “2024:Wk of 6/2-8; Baby FOs and Cast-On

  1. The knitting is always a work of art. The hat is just adorable – love the colors. Never thought about a hair conditioner soak to soften the knitted goods.

    Cats will find the most comfortable but unusual place to call their own. Our cat loves to be in my craft room, whenever I open the door she rushes in and lays on the floor pretty much right in the way.

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  2. I should adopt your sock knitting strategy. I have such a hard time getting those second socks done. Happy belated birthday to your hubby.

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  3. Tell your husband happy birthday!

    I’m always amazed that cats like to get into small boxes and other small things, the smaller the better lol.

    I like the little hat, great stripes. I love the project bag for your socks. Both The Crazy Sock Lady and The Knitting Expat have some really nice lacy (and other) sock patterns.

    Sorry for your Cherry Trees :(. I had planted two apple trees, 2 cherry trees and 2 pear trees in a 1/3 acre back yard and then a year later my ex (not my ex at that point) was transferred to MN and we moved. I came back a few years later and drove by the old house, they had taken the fruit trees out, made me very sad.

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    1. Thanks for the recos for lacy sock patterns. I never thought of the Crazy Sock Lady for a lacy pattern. All I ever see her knit are vanilla socks. I did just buy Summer Lee’s new sock book so I need to check it out too.

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  4. I learned something new from you today. Soaking stiffer knits in hair conditioner. Is there a ratio you use? I have had a couple of prayer shawls that could have used that little trick. Love the little baby hat. Your socks are cheerful. I think that is what I like about socks. They can be so cheerful and brighten a dull winter day.

    Happy belated bday to you hubby. You guys are so cute in your photos. Looks like you had a blast at the zoo with your Grand too.

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  5. You’ve been busy! Glad you have had so many joyful family get-togethers but all of that social-ness is great to be able to balance with some quiet at home too.

    Looking forward to seeing the baby blanket you’ve finished and glad you’re enjoying that Debbie Bliss yarn for the new one (it’s a great yarn!)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sounds like lots of spring fun and visiting. Sorry to hear about your cherry trees. We are losing birch trees here by the thousands, and our five-story White Pines will have to come down this summer as more than half of them seem to have some kind of mysterious needle disease and are dying. Several were slated to come down anyway as they are so big that they’ve become a threat to house and barn if we get severe wind, which we are long overdue to have. Still, it’s sad to know we probably won’t live long enough to see the replacements grow to fruition, so I share your sadness a bit about that.

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      1. I think that I need to stick to number of hats (or chickens) as just the through of tracking stitches makes me start to panic a little. Your devotion to tracking progress is really remarkable!

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  7. Lots of great stuff for you this week! Loving your projects, and the celebration photos are fabulous. I’m sorry to hear about your cherry tree challenges. Natural blights like that are wild (pun totally intended) – got me wondering if the fungus would prevent overgrowth. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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