2023: Wk of 5/7-13; Hat FO, Ranunculus Progress, and Yarn Box Reveal


This is supposed to be a summery tee even though I’m using mohair. I think I’m going to make it very short sleeved to minimize the mohair on my arms. I’ll just do a few rows of ribbed cuff with the collar yarn and then bindoff. The body length will be determined by using up all the yarn. I went up a needle size on the body after I split for the sleeves as I want it to have more ease than my previous Ranunculus.


This has been a fun “fill-in” project for car or “waiting” knitting. I liked this pattern as basic but more interesting than ribbed. I have enough yarn to knit a second with the yarn. I’m going to switch to a colorful rainbowish yarn next just for variety. I will definitely keep a hat on needles for when I need some easy knitting.


Had two sessions of social knitting this week so the sojourn scarf was perfect. It was fun to share with fellow knitters the soft yarn while working on an easy to carry and easy to knit project. Scarves are definitely not my favorite project to knit so I’ll be glad when I finish this.


Here’s what was in the Mother’s Day Box I wasn’t able to resist. The good news is that the “trial purchase” worked. It was a good reminder that “mystery” purchases can often be disappointing. Black, grey, and brown is not a yarn I would have purchased. I think I can successfully resist buying another advent calendar when I already have one.

I also received the yarn I ordered to knit some orange and blue themed socks. I’m much happier with this purchase since it wasn’t a mystery. This will go on needles as soon as I finish the Sojourn scarf.

For the mothers and those who mother in the group, I hope you have a relaxing, wonderful day. For those who have suffered loss, I wish you peace. I cannot image what this day is like for my sister-in-law surviving her first Mother’s Day after the death of her son.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week of crafting. This has been a Ravelry Year of Projects post. Bloggers are encouraged to share their fiber plans for the year and then post weekly updates. Sticking to the plan is not required.

10 thoughts on “2023: Wk of 5/7-13; Hat FO, Ranunculus Progress, and Yarn Box Reveal

  1. A good reminder of why I’m not a fan of “mystery” anything. I like to know what I’m getting and what I’ll use it for. Sorry this didn’t work out as you’d hoped, but it was probably a good lesson for the future. And thanks for the wish of peace on this Mother’s Day. So many try to rope those of us who are not mothers and have lost mothers into thinking we need to joyfully celebrate this Hallmark Holiday, when it’s really nothing more than a sad reminder of everything we’ve lost. Thank you for understanding that.

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  2. I find that so strange that such masculine feeling colours were put in a Mother’s Day box. I know colours don’t have a gender but these are absolutely the last colours I’d have expected in a mystery box for Mother’s Day. I’m glad you had the lovely yarn from Frankie Gray which is so cheery.

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