YOP – Wk 9/19-25: Fiber Artist Supply Co Ball Winder Review and Updates

Fiber Artist Supply Co Ball Winder Review

Got to use my new ball winder this week!! I love it! Much better than my Loops & Threads cheap one from Michaels. Makes beautiful cakes and the yarn doesn’t end up winding on the rod both above or below the cake like my cheap one. Now the only issue is my umbrella swift. I’m having to rewind the cake a second time. This is what Very Pink Knits recommends as a general rule. Note: she uses an umbrella swift. My initial cake is much tighter then when I used my friend’s tabletop swift and ball winder hence I believe it’s the swift. My swift is pretty so I think I’ll stick with it since my knitting wall is now in our living room. I’ll just plan to wind balls twice so that the yarn isn’t wound too tight.

Sailormoon #2

The Sailormoon for my daughter is coming along. I just adore the yarn and the colors. I have enough of the Cinnamon colorway to make another sweater if I combine it with another contrast skein, which I have in my stash. Now I need to find a pattern that uses 3 skeins of MC and 1 skein of CC. Course I could always do a 3 row/1 row stripe. This sweater is also helping on one of my 2021 knitting goals – knit something with Continental. I am doing all the knit stitches in Continental but I’m still doing the purls with English. I think this is actually helping keep my tension even. Only the yoke is knit flat so once I join the body it will be all Continental knit stitches.


Advent 2019 Socks

Got both cuffs done for my Advent 2019 socks. Now to start the fun stuff – the colorwork stripes. Hope to have a stripe or two to share next week since the Sailormoon will still get the majority of attention.

Cuffs for Advent 2019

Oops, I Did It Again

You would think I know by now that all stockinette curls. So I’m going to have to pullout the cast-on and add a few rows of garter so that my tumbler cozy doesn’t roll. This project is letting me work on another goal…not looking at every stitch as I knit it since it’s simple stockinette.

Tumbler Cozy

It’s beautiful fall here. I know for many of you blue skies is not unusual, but for the midwest of the USA, our winters are GRAY!!! I’ve been informed by my son’s girlfriend that while Alaska has very short days in the winter, what little time the sun is out in the winter, the sky is blue. So fall is just a wonderful time of year. The temperature is perfect (70s F/low 20s C), low humidity. Trees have started to turn but full color is about 2 weeks away. Hope you are enjoying your fall.

This is a year of projects (YOP) update. YOP is a Ravelry Group – make a plan for the year ahead for all your fiber activities, then update your blog each week. Plans can be calendar year (like mine) or mid-year start (like many). Following the plan is optional and creates some of the fun of posts. YOP is in it’s 11th year. It’s my second in the group.

18 thoughts on “YOP – Wk 9/19-25: Fiber Artist Supply Co Ball Winder Review and Updates

  1. So glad your yarn winder is everything you dreamed of. I have never heard of winding yarn twice. Interesting idea. The Sailor moon is pretty. Nice that you jave enough yarn to make another one. Those advent socks are going to be awesome. I can see the colorwork chart behind the cuffs. Love it. I chuckled about the cup cozy rolling. Making the rose city roller socks I love the rolled cuff. Guess it isn’t as fun on a cup.

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  2. Hmm winding the yarn twice seems like a lot of work! How fast do you wind your yarn? I find that if I go really fast, which is tempting, the yarn is too tight.
    The sailor moon construction looks really interesting! I will definitely have to check that pattern out as I’ve liked both versions you’ve made.
    I knit a sweater called True Friend a few years ago which was 3 and 2, but maybe at different sizes it would be good for that, or you could add a third color and alternate stripes? It’s an awesome pattern

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    1. I tried to wind slower but still found the cake pretty tight. I’m sure I still need to work on slowing down. I don’t find it takes that long to just put the cake in my ceramic bowl and wind a second time. Still better than all the wind/unwind I had to do with my cheap ball winder because it kept coming off the cake and winding on the post. The Sailormoon is an unusual construction creating the interesting strips on the back yoke while having typical horizontal stripes on the front and body.

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  3. I love your swift and ball winder, I think I might have to investigate a purchase (although I’m starting to run out of space for my craft stuff). I’ve just finished a jumper where the edge is stockinette so it rolls and I keep looking at it wondering if I should unravel it and knit a ‘proper’ borders I know how you feel.

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  4. Thanks for the ball-winder review. I find the swifts that you pull the yarn from the side do tend to make the ball wind more tightly, but an upright swift where you can pull from the top/bottom helps (me at least) to counteract that. Your Sailor Moon project is looking gorgeous!

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  5. I’m glad you like your new ball winder…I tend to only make yarn cakes when I’m about to knit the project so don’t usually worry about how tight they are woven because they will be used pretty promptly. However as I changed my current jumper project yarn, I’m wondering if those other skeins will be ok. I don’t think my ball winder wraps it very tightly…how do you know if it is too tight? The Sailor Moon is so pretty in those colours, it is working well your change of colour I think.

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    1. For me I just noticed how hard it was to slide the cake off the post. Not sure if I like the loose second wind. The first cake definitely looks nicer. I too wait till I’m doing the project to wind the skeins. Although I will be winding all my “Florida” projects before I leave so they may be sitting awhile before I get to them.

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  6. The first swift I bought was an umbrella swift, and we never got along. It didn’t spin smoothly, and it squeaked. My cakes ended up much too tight, so I would winder them again. Someone made me a very simple table swift which works well enough, but I received a hurricane swift (search on Etsy, and you will find the maker) as a gift, and I absolutely love it It is a table top swift, and the arms are adjustable for different sized skeins. It spins like a dream.

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